How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Before You Ask

Before asking a technical question by e-mail, or in a newsgroup, or on a website chat board, do the following:

  1. Try to find an answer by searching the archives of the forum or mailing list you plan to post to.
  2. Try to find an answer by searching the Web.
  3. Try to find an answer by reading the manual.
  4. Try to find an answer by reading a FAQ.
  5. Try to find an answer by inspection or experimentation.
  6. Try to find an answer by asking a skilled friend.
  7. If you’re a programmer, try to find an answer by reading the source code.

When you ask your question, display the fact that you have done these things first; this will help establish that you’re not being a lazy sponge and wasting people’s time. Better yet, display what you have learned from doing these things. We like answering questions for people who have demonstrated they can learn from the answers.



  1. 尝试在你准备提问的论坛的旧文章中搜索答案。
  2. 尝试上网搜索以找到答案。
  3. 尝试阅读手册以找到答案。
  4. 尝试阅读常见问题文件(FAQ)以找到答案。
  5. 尝试自己检查或试验以找到答案。
  6. 向你身边的强者朋友打听以找到答案。
  7. 如果你是程序开发者,请尝试阅读源代码以找到答案。
